Luisteroefening 4

1. Neem het antwoordblad uit de map voor je uit het deel : luistervaardigheid.
Maak de luistertoets.

Je mag zo vaak luisteren als je wil !!

2. Haal de antwoorden bij je leerkracht.
Streep aan welke antwoorden jij fout hebt.

3. Ga terug naar de vragen die je fout had en luister nog eens.

4. Controleer daarna nog eens met de antwoorden van je leerkracht.


a.Many toads have suddenly and mysteriously died at a pond in Germany.
b.Toads are ballooning to ten times their normal sizes and then bursting.
c.Experts from a local zoo were not surprised when they saw the dead toads.
d.An expert said all of the toads might die if this mystery is not solved.
e.A local vet believes a monster fungus is eating the toads.
f.The toads may not be able to fart enough to release gas in their stomachs.


a.Friends are more important than family for a longer life.
b.A study was carried out on 1,500 British 70-year-olds.
c.Good friends can help you live 22 years longer.
d.Social activity has positive effects on the body.
e.A group of 70-year-olds was studied for a period of 10 years.
f.The group was monitored every year over the 10-year test period.
g.The death of a spouse greatly affected the test data.
h.The message is to keep in touch with friends for a longer life.

Welk woord hoort in welk gat ?

millions - danger - address - zoologists - poaching - generation - habitat - sharply - extinction - part - aimed - ensure - save - home - focus - opened

Congo conference to save great apes
A week of talks ___1____ on Monday in Kinshasa, Congo, to help ___2____ the world’s great apes. Governments are meeting to create a global agreement ___3____ at protecting endangered apes across the world. The ___4____ of the meetings is to save these precious primates from ___5____. Urgent action is needed to ___6____ their survival. Teams from 23 nations from Africa, Indonesia and Malaysia are taking ___7____ in the discussions. These countries are __8_____ to the world’s gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans.

Many ___9____ think most of the great apes will be extinct within a __10_____. Numbers have reduced from ___11____ in the 19th century to just 400,000 today. This number is ___12____ declining year by year. Logging, ___13____ and wars are putting the apes in great ___14____. Over half of the apes’ natural __15_____ is in war-torn regions. Ian Redmond of the U.N.’s Great Apes Survival Project says there is a “shared determination to ___16____ the problems”.

1. Which statement is NOT true about the apartment for rent?
A. It includes a washer and dryer.
B. The apartment is partially furnished.
C. The rent is over $900 a month.

2. What utilities are included in the rent?
A. gas and water
B. electricity and phone
C. gas and electricity

3. Under which circumstance could you lose your deposit according to the conversation?
A. You end the agreement before the minimum leasing period of four months.
B. You cause damage beyond normal use of the apartment.
C. You remove any of the furnishings without permission.

4. How would you describe the location of the apartment?
A. The woman can catch a bus to school in front of her apartment.
B. A supermarket and shopping center are only a few blocks away.
C. The apartment is in a relatively quiet neighborhood.

5. What kind of pet is a tenant allowed to keep in the apartment?
A. a dog
B. a cat
C. a rat

1. What kind of movie is the girl going to see on her date?
A. horror
B. romance
C. science fiction

2. At what theater is the movie playing?
A. Central Palace
B. Campus Plaza
C. Common Plex

3. How is the girl getting to the movie?
A. She is getting a ride with her brother.
B. Her date is coming to pick her up.
C. She is going by bus and will meet her date there.

4. What time does the movie begin?
A. 7:30 p.m.
B. 8:00 p.m.
C. 8:30 p.m.

5. What time does she have to be home?
A. 10:00 p.m.
B. 10:30 p.m.
C. 11:00 p.m.

Welk telefoonnummer hoor je hier ?